Slept in after a hard week, went for a single hill, Beinn Ime the tallest of the Arrochar hills. Overcast but clear, snow on the tops, set off up the zig zag trail. Came out the trees to the classic view of the Cobbler and a cool breeze.
Made it to the Narnain Boulders where I put jacket, hat and gloves on as the conditions always seem to deteriorate after these massive blocks. Not many people out today. A helicopter buzzing around the tops eventually hovering over Narnain before heading off. Started up Ime from the Beallach, a lone walker coming down meant I would have the hill to myself.

New path construction not complete, the bottom section still to be done, the volunteers tools lying abandoned in the cold, from about half way up the man made path is completed, made for an easier ascent until the ice further up made it easier to go off path, wind strengthening and firing a bit of snow across the hillside, fine needle like particles that stung your face. Reached the top in a bitingly cold wind, immediately turned back to get some shelter to get my phone out for a couple of pictures, ran back up to the top for a couple, although views were good it was a bit too inhospitable to hang around, my hand quickly froze as I have to take the weatherproof gloves off to use my camera. Good views to Ben Lui, Ben Lomond and the surrounding Arrochar tops.

Struggled to get my glove over my numb fingers then set off back along the path. Good fun running off the top in the shallow snow and I was soon back at the Beallach where a walker took my place on the hill starting his ascent as I came down. Easy run down past the Boulders and through the zig zags to finish inside 3 hours.