Saturday, April 25, 2020

Ben Bowie

Out and back to Ben Bowie again, slightly shorter missing out the other loops to the Hel n back route and Kiloeter I've tried the last few weeks. Easiest ascent route up behind the Carman reservoir, a mixture of flat and up. The three trees at different stages of  leafing out.

Up the track beside the quarry and along to the trig point spotted a wee lizard like thing, too quick for my camera. Views to the Ben a bit hazy today.

A few more people up here than usual but all keeping out of each others way. Through the gate at the top of the Stoney using a handful of grass to minimise contact. 

Ran along the 3LW and JMT turning up to Ben Bowie just after the JMT turns east.

Drop off the back of Ben Bowie through some trees on a less used path that comes out on the JMT, Back up to the 3LW and follow it to the top of the Stoney, Follow the path along to the Fort, radiomast and home.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Ben Bowie and Kiloeter

Did the usual route round Carman reservoir up the track beside the quarry and over the moor to the top of the Stoneymollan joining the 3LW to Ben Bowie. On the way back for a bit of variety went via Kiloeter, theres a narrow trod from the 3LW gate up to the ridge where a faint quad bike track runs towards the Clyde between the old and new plantations, not long after the wee cairn with a stick there's a gap in the trees where the telegraph wires run, a bit of heather bashing soon brings you out at the juncion between the Red Road and Darlieth. Returned on the track past the Black Third farm and along the top of Stoneymollan to the Fort overlooking the reservoir. Followed the club race route home past the radio mast. Paths becoming very worn with the lack of rain and increased footfall.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Three Stoneymollans

Avoiding popular paths as much as possible went for a triple hirple today. Ran along the bypass and through fields to the path up behind Carman reservoir, no fishermen today, a few people sitting on the benches round the reservoir taking in the air. Crossed the road and went up the track beside the quarry onto the path along to the trig point, the Ben with its head in the clouds.

Ran along to the Stoney trail and down the road to the bypass, the top of the Ben still in cloud.

Turned at the bottom and came back up using the trail through the woods as far as possible. Back on the tarmac for a couple of hundred yards. Steady run up until I saw a couple of mountain bikers ahead, caught them without too much effort, turned up towards the trig form the top of the Stoney path. Top of the Ben clear at last.

Ran along to the Fort, down through the Quarry, round the reservoir and down to the steps behind the bypass. About turn and back up to the reservoir, cut through a field on the way to distance from a couple of walkers. Through the quarry up to the fort then down past the radiomast through a couple of fields and a short section of road to finish. Glorious day to be out.

Saturday, April 04, 2020

Stoneymollan and Ben Bowie

Another run on the moors and trails from my front door. Picked a route to try and get some ascent in without doubling back too much. Managed just over 2100' with only a mile or so run twice. Started up the road and along a quiet A82 verge through fields to the trail up behind Carman reservoir. Past the quarry and trig point to join the 3LW for a short distance, leaving the 3LW running past Shepherds Pool and the Black Third farm joining the red blaize track the Hel n Back runners take, joined the 3LW again and ran up to the top with a short diversion up Ben Bowie, rejoined the 3LW/John Muir Way to the top of the Stoneymollan trail, returning home along the tops past the trig to the Fort, mainly on paths and through fields, finishing with a short bit of road.