Saturday, November 16, 2019

Glen Douglas

Forecast was about right, although frosty in the glen the ground wasn't frozen, higher up it was but the damage was done on the boggy slope lower down, wet feet and cold toes.

Reached the top of Beinn Bhreac to great all round snowy peaks disappearing into the distance. The old path  to Ben Reoch criss crosses a new fence built just of the crest of the ridge, followed this down to the Beallach then gradually turned towards Reoch as the fence dipped down to the right.

The uphills a slow trudge in the patchy snow.

Stunning views of the Arrochar Alps from Reochs top.

Steep down into the glen then another trudge up beside Tullich Hills crags, nice and warm in the sun, apart from  my toes! Couple of small frozen lochs at the top add to the views.

East run back down into the Glen, found a nice trod though most of the new "native" plantation to finish just over three hours.

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