Friday, June 21, 2024

Luss Lollipop

Not too much time today to squeeze in a run, went for the Luss Lollipop race route, plenty of bang for your buck, 7 miles with 3300'+ of ascent. Slow jog up Beinn Dubh, quicker round the corries to Mid Hill and about a third of the way down towards Glen Luss, tuning off the path dropping down steep tussocky slopes to the bottom of Glen Striddle, across the stream for the short sharp climb back up to the top of Beinn Dubh, about 1000' in half a mile, fondly known as the wee beastie. Probably stopped more than I wanted to on this climb, taking in the views was my excuse. From the top its an easy 2 miles down grassy slopes.

Beinn Dubh from Mid Hill

Doune Hills twin tops from Mid Hill

Beinn Eich and Beinn an Lochain from Mid Hill


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Fairy Glen

Short trail race in the club chamionship, 3 laps, just under a mile per lap with a steep climb at the end of each lap. Midgies in feast mode as 6 of us set off, settled into second place and stayed there without too much trouble, gradually moving ahead of 3rd while slipping behind 1st, too dry underfoot for the downhill at the start of each lap, about a minute quicker than last year.

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Vane Ime

Back to Arrochar for a harder run, ran up Glen Loin to start turning off at the Ben Vane path, steady trudge to the top, short break to take in the views. Easy run down to Lag Uaine and another steep trudge to the top of Ime. Ran down the Buttermilk Burn path past the Narnain Boulders, cut off for a nice run down the argo track to finish.