Saturday, September 14, 2024

Luss Hill Run

Luss run, a bit friendlier with the forecast low cloud and high winds. Beinn Dubh to start, took it steady so that I could run the whole way, into the cloud about 1500', a bit damp but not raining, round the corries met a couple of well wrapped up walkers coming the other way, dropped down Mid Hill, the loch appearing under a bank of cloud, another hill walker starting to climb Mid Hill as I reached the bottom. Short run to just beyond the end of the road across a field and small bridge to start the steep climb up Coillie Eughain Hill, walking all the way onto the peat hagged ridge and a run down the Paps to finish.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Ben Nevis Hill Race

Roasted on the hot rocks of Melantee and the Ben. The sun shone for this years Ben Nevis race, with no wind even on the top meant for furnace like conditions. Set off hoping for at least a breeze on windy corner, ran up the road past the Ben Nevis Inn, dropped to a run/walk on the walkers path then walk/trudge round windy corner, barely a breath, finished my water by the red burn, stopped for a refill and cool down, from here its straight up the screes, decided to ration my water which didn't really help, felt like hard work and lost a big chunk of minutes, as I drank more my energy returned a bit, moving better on the steep rock covered slopes, the gradient eased and managed a few short jogs but it was slow going, turned for the descent and started to pass a few runners, I think only one got past me, a couple of others did but soon got past them again. The descent down the screes steep and fun as usual, go as fast as you dare finding loose scree to slide down and use the larger rocks as brakes, back onto the tourist path at the Red Burn, the first part around Melantee Lochan ok as its wide and a not too steep descent, onto the steps, good rhythm at first then cramp kicks in, stop for some elctrolyte drink and salt tablets to shift it, round windy corner and down to the Ben Nevis Inn there's a lot of walkers, tricky rocky sections and a few fallen runners to negotiate, after the muddy short cut picked up the pace for a short while then eased back keeping it a bit safer, past the Inn, as usual a couple of minutes slower than hoped for, usually give it everything from here, just kept it steady today, the heat had tempered my will.

Claggan Park before the start

Approaching half way up at the Red Burn

Looking over the Field of Cairns on the way down