Saturday, November 23, 2024

Bromley Muir Winter Run

First snowy run of the winter, had to wait a couple of hours for the wind to subside, by that time the snow had started, ran up to the fort on Carman hill, snow 6" with drifts to 12"+, ground frozen below, difficult to guess footstrike on the rough ground under smooth snow made for slow running. Onto the John Muir Trail for a mile or so to where the path is blocked, decided against the steep bypass option, turned back for home the same way as I came out. Hat and glove changes along the way as they got soaked, goretex trousers on for the return over Bromley Muir in a freezing wind.


Sunday, November 17, 2024


Club Duathlon, a 4 mile run round the Vale followed by a 12 mile cycle round the Horseshoe with a loop through Gartocharn. Only 4 of us this year, a bit chilly but a dry road, no ice and not much wind. Last on the run section, managed to pass a couple on the bike, new recycled Carrera Srixus 2 encouraged a more aggressive ride, Good fun!

Saturday, November 02, 2024

Bromley Muir

Short run today, out and back, Radiomast hill, Carman Fort, Bromley Muir Trig point and a wee bit further towards Stoneymollan, about turn and back home, good to be out.