Saturday, January 25, 2025

Polaroid Cross Country

First race in this years club championship,  4 1/2 mile , 2 lap Cross Country race round the edge of the Polaroid Industrial Estate. A few detours required because of fallen trees, 6 set off, a slow first lap still feeling the effects of New Year lurgy , did try to up the pace on the flat riverside path on the second lap, didn't work just meant I went slower on the two short uphill sections and ended up with even splits for the 2 laps. Got the race dry, hailstones putting the markers out, sleet taking them in, good start to the clubs race series.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Bromley Muir

First long run this year, had taken some time off for holidays and lurgy, stayed local, Bromley Muir then Killoeter and Ben Bowie. The Three Lochs Way still blocked and took a steep bypass route onto Killoeters ridge. Intended to return just above the fields and A82 but the firing range was in use and came back the same way I went out, over Bromley Muir, a bit longer / more ascent but more runnable as the lower path has a few ditches to traverse.

Killoeters summit cairn

Ardmore from Killoeter

Helensburgh from Ben Bowie

Loch Lomond from Ben Bowie

Bromley Muir trig

Mount Malow (Carman Fort) overlooking Carman reservoir and Dumbarton Rock