Sunday, May 07, 2006

Ben Lomond, Sat 6th May

Perfect conditions, warm sunny day with a cooling breeze greeted the big field of around 200 for this years race. Increased numbers as it is both the one off ScottishAthletics Hill race championship and one of the (4 from 6) counters for the Scottish Hill Runners championship series.

Usual carefree rush along the road from the start beside the Hotel towards the car park where the climb starts. Once on the path took it easy until warmed up about where the forest road crosses the track.

The path climbs in a series of steep sections followed by not so steep like a supersized rocky staircase. The trick, for me, is to keep the effort as even as possible and avoid too much oxygen debt but keep the edge on until near the top when a bit if extra effort is in order!

Sweat stops once the clear of the trees as the breeze takes away the heat.

Next section is up the narrow tourist path with a few angry spells when caught behind someone who sticks their elbows out as they don't want you to pass - anger usually a good sign and if you tuck in behind them they usually go a bit quicker than they should and eventually give way without too much bother.

Next is the 1st steep grassy climb off the path, steady plod, lost a few places here as usual. Back onto the path at about 1/2 way and running again up the plateau, gain a couple of lost places back before the 2nd grassy climb. Maintain effort up this section but getting closed down by a few others, reach the summit ridge without losing too many more places. Jog along to the top gasping for air and putting the gloves on for the descent. Best summit time yet of 67 mins.

Descent starts with a steady run back along the ridge not too fast as still recovering from the climb.


Let gravity take over as the path steepens. Gain places on each steep section, but some keen runners keep passing on the flatter parts, eventually dropped them down the steep grassy section from midway apart from one who tries to get away down the new ecologically sound path saving section. Hang on too his coat tails and once back on the path push past & kick again to keep clear.

Legs dead as usual back through the forrest but keep the brakes off and let gravity do its work at each downhill section.

Steady jog along the road for a PB descent as well to finish in 98:31.

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