Sunday, December 03, 2006

Run in the Buff and the dark Sun 3rd Dec

Short late Sunday afternoon run, set off just before 4 and ran a clockwise route past the radiomast and on up to the fort. Wind & rain blootering me so on with the Buff in its balaclava mode before crossing Overton & Bromley moors trying to avoid the swamps.

Although getting dark it was easy to spot the path as it was a greasy muddy stripe, ran just beside it on the grass and heather where it was easier to maintain a relatively upright posture most of the time. Had to hurdle over a sheeps skeleton and then the last 3 sunken ditches with only minor emersion (knee deep) and shoes intact.

At the top of the Stoneymollen a break in the clouds and rain meant the moon came out to light the way down this rocky track. Ran along the bypass to Christie Park where the headtorch had to be switched on to find the way in and along the narrow path through the trees and back home. Good run to blow the cobwebs away and get the blood flowing again.

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