Field of 44 brave souls, about the same as last year, set off on an easy jog. The field gradually stringing out into single file up Glen Loin. Got to the bottom of Vorlich in 40 minutes for a steady plod up the tourist path, reached the top in another 57 mins leaving only 23 to get to the Sloy dam via the straight down route, took 24 mins but the kind?? marshalls waved us through with a couple of jelly beans.
For some reason it started to get really hard and struggled to the top of Vane in 73 mins leaving it tight to get to Lag Uaine before the time out. On the way down I cut the corner too early and lost about 3 mins scrambling and sliding down bits that were too steep to run. Feeling a bit sorry by this time and ready to chuck it in, but after a chat with the marshall it was all go again.
The climb up Beinn Ime breaks into 2 sections, the first a 900' slog up trackless tussocky ground to the Bealach a Mhaim, a wee seat here before the shorter climb to the summit, steeper but easier going with paths to follow and views opening out as you get nearer the top.
Got lost running off Beinn Ime in the mist last year losing about 15 mins, so I had my bearing prepared (165 deg) in case and just in time the mist closed in again. Bearing worked pretty well taking me down in 17 mins and within sight of the checkpoint Marshalls.
Last climb up Narnain and through a brief break in the clouds spotted the runner in front who I had swapped places with a few times already, he had overtaken me on the climb up Vane, I got ahead on the way down, he overtook me again going up Ime, it was something to work towards. After the previous climbs Narnain is relatively painless apart from the false summits. Reached the top in last place.
Set off off through the Spearhead for the 3000' plummet down to Sucouth, from the top it's a steep scrambly path and soon came across a couple of runners, he had suffered badly and they were walking in to the finish. After a wee chat to see how they were, and after all offers of food, clothes & drink were refused set off in pursuit of the dayglo Carnegie Harrier in front. Soon caught him and he shouted encouragement as I passed by.

Pleased to finish in just over 6 hrs 23 mins, about 25 mins slower than last year. Puzzling splits, all climbs slower, most descents faster. Don't think a couple of runs in Arrochar at the end of May and then a run in the Luss hills was good enough prep.
Super wee race, hopefully with a few more entrants in future.