Wednesday, January 20, 2010

2-0 to the girls?

Set off for a 20 mile 3800 FOA run of Glen Loin plus the Cats Crag loop last Saturday. Start and finish in the Succouth car park. First mistake was to start with an anti clockwise Glen Loin, feet wet straight away, not the best in the cool conditions.

Lower Glen reasonably ice free with only the odd patch of ice left. It was a different story in the upper Glen especially the approach to the turning point across the stream where the track was covered by 6 inches of freezing slush sloshing in and out your trainers with each step.

The stream itself was in spate with the meltwater coming off the surrounding hills a tricky crossing, just past the stream the slush turned to snow but the team wouldn't take the Bealach option, second mutiny, and we had to turn back the way we came.

Reached the bottom of the glen and third mutiny, instead of picking up the planned route, gave up and came home, struggling to claim 11 miles, perhaps ultra runners need some inspiration such as one of John Fleetwoods epics?

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