Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Arrochar Alps

After a couple of weeks off I needed some steep rocky terrain. Gave Sunday's Lomonds of Fife race a miss and set off Sat afternoon for Arrochar. The plan was Glen Loin, Lag Uaine, Ben Ime, Ben Narnain, 12 miles and 4800' of ascent. Took it nice n easy as the sun came out on the steady 5 mile climb up Glen Loin, jog/walked the lumpy path between Vane and Ime, ascending Ime initially beside the gnarly ridge then veered across to pick up a new route, directly to a misty summit where I met the first walkers of the day heading for Butterbridge. On the boggy run down Ime the cloud cleared and I could see a walker climbing Narnain, someone to chase. Set off on the climb up Narnain, running at first, then walk/gasp the rest, didn't manage to catch the walker, he was a runner from Troon resting his knees on Doctors orders. Good run down to Succouth in about an hour, finishing in 4 hours 15.

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