Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Polaroid Industrial Estate

First club race of the year, 2 laps of the Industrial Estate. The trail had been cleared since last week, the track dug out and fallen trees removed, combined with the low temperatures drying the ground out made for a faster run. 19 of us set off over the tussocky field through the woods and one of the two remaining muddy bits down to the path beside the river Leven, the first couple of hundred yards had been dug out, ok for walking, not so good for running. The front three stretched away ahead and I stayed in the next group of three before we split up after one and a half laps and I dropped behind. The second part of each lap goes through more trees and mud as the river turns away from the course, through some fields with a short up and down and some rougher ground before the run down the grass verge to the finish, then we do it again. First lap just over 18 mins, second lap nearer 19. Cooled down collecting the markers in, a good day for a run.

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