Sunday, October 05, 2014

Misty Mountains

Forecast was low cloud and showers, looked better as I set off, driving along Loch Lomondside, low cloud, at least it was dry. Changed route to Narnain and The Cobbler, easier to navigate the 10 miles and 4500' from Succoth. Only a few cars about should make for a quiet day on the hills. Paused at the Narnain Boulders, starting to rain and into the clouds. Misty trudge, visibility 20 or 30 yards and breezy until behind Narnain's bulk. No-one up here today, touched the trig and turned back towards Beallach a Mhaim. Easy run back down, turning at each of the mini the cairns I noticed on the way up, a train ticket stuck in a hole a marker that I was on the right track. Planned to run the Cobblers back steps, walked most, voices at the top, a couple of people eventually emerging from the cloud near the Needle, others unseen. A small gap in the clouds at the top of the Cobbler back stairs, stopped for a picture.

Steady run through the Glen and down the winding path back to Succoth inside 3 hours. A few more pictures here.

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