Wednesday, May 06, 2015


Runnable bog n burn race, 7pm start outside the Gannochy sports centre at Striling Uni, calf recovering and tested with a wee run over Stoneymollan last night. Pre-entry this year and a chipped finish, nearly 300 runners, a lot for a short, 5 mile with 1250' of ascent, race. Charge up the road first rest as we funnel through the narrow gap in the wall, doesn't last long enough, running again along the track, a short road climb then into the woods, didn't notice any blue bells this year! Keep running where I can and gradually yoyo past a few run walkers, a final wheeze up round the summit cairn then freewheeling down, gasping for breath, arms windmilling for balance, dodging those still plodding up. Push past others on every steep down, struggling on flats and any short ups. Back in the forest, route change, slightly longer, to avoid the bad step, tree pinball on the mudslide only a couple of minutes left now, relax and run, gradually increase the effort but don't get much faster, finish in 52 1/2 minutes, 166th out of nearly 300, the winner 35 minutes, last 1 hour 51!

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