Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Cort Ma Law

Boggiest of the Bog n Burn series, 6 miles with 1500' or so of ascent. Clear cool evening, bigger field this year. Didn't try to run all of the initial climb, jogged and walked, keep the jog going  towards the top and along a series of up undulations with a few boggy bits to get you in the mood. From the top of CML to Lecket hill is where the fun starts, band after band of emerald green bog to negotiate, initially ok, tussock to tussock, gradually going into oxygen debt, the last couple, a launch and hope, knee deep. From Lecket a short gallop down muddy tussocks and tracks, slow walk out the gulley, gradually start to jog, one last bog, caught, thigh deep, face down, crawl, running again over the style and a few undulations trying to gain and not lose places. A final fast run down to finish just over 71 minutes.

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