Saturday, January 23, 2016

Carman Muir, misty Luss

Saturday's PM run up behind Carman Resrvoir, through the quarry to the fort along and back to the trig then home via the radio mast, out for just under 90 mins. Sunday, PM again, Beinn Dubh, Mid Hill, Coille Eughain Hill finishing down the Paps. A warm 13 degrees in the valley, all the snow gone from the top, windy up there too, no views, into cloud above 1500'. Easy run up Dubh, only saw 5 people today. Ran along the trail to mid hill and down into Glen Luss, across the new bridge.

Trudge up Coille E's steep flank back into the clag, worked my way round the peat hags to the wee trod down to the paps and back out the cloud, 10 miles, 3500' inside 3 1/2 hours, finishing as it began to get dark.

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