Saturday, September 17, 2016

Merrick Hill Race 2016

The Scottish counter in the British hill running championship, and part of the SHR Champs as well, a return to almost the original route, one of my fav races, just missing out Bennan, probably due to deer fencing. About 200 set off for 8 miles and 3000' of ascent, short trot along from the car park towards Bruces Stoneto spread us out a bit, sharp left and jog walking up Ben Yellary, a steep muddy, potholed, rocky path, topped out in a few minutes, running again across the short undulating boggy section to the forest road, the stoney road drops down to meet the tourist path towards Ben Yellary, managed to keep running, gradually working ahead of a few determined jog walkers, up over the top speeding down the Neive of the Spit to the traversing climb up Merrick, nearly at the top and those ahead speed past off to the right, round the cairn and chase after them down the Rig of the Gloon, at the bottom its typical Galloway tussocks then a short trudge in a ditch beside a wall up to the undulating ridge to Buchan Hill. The run down, a boggy rocky path come stream to start then something of a path covered with potholes and tussocks before a couple of fields.

 Photo courtesy of Scottish Hill Runners

Turn out onto a forest road for the last hurrah, only about 250m but steeply twisting up to finish in about 2 hours 9. More pictures here.

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