Saturday, October 29, 2016

Glen Nevis

Unexpected chance for camp Nevis, Saturday run over Mullach Nan Coirean, Stob Ban and Sgurr a'Mhaim, forecast good, reality low cloud n drizzle, ran from lower falls car park hard going through remnants of tree felling, out the trees and straight up onto the ridge, running again, top Juraesque rocky stuff, visibility ok about 100 yards, Mullachs double cairn soon reached. No hanging about on the tops today. Ran along the ridge to Stob Ban met a Ptarmigan. Same one as last time? Clouds clear for a few minutes, missed a Brocken spectre taking too long to get the camera out.  Rocky run off Stob Ban nice n easy, rocks greasy, running again along to the stalkers path zig zagging to the ridge to Sgurr a'Mhaim. Ridge narrows, too feart to take a photo, stop at bottom of the short climb to SAM top, getting cold as pace had dropped along the ridge, thermal gloves on up the quartzite to the summit cairn, no stopping, off over boulders then rocky path and some fun down nice scree before a twisting turning rocky broken path, hard work, the last few hundred yards easy muddy trail. Finished inside 5 hours, much fun. Photos here.

Sunday, sound of rain on the tent, got up and it had cleared, clouds above Mamores tops, bits of the Ben I could see looked clear as well. Set off from outside the Youth Hostel, managed to run all Heart Attack Hill! Along tourist path kept jogging, round windy corner some walking on the brocken path, plenty of repairs needed here. Staying on the tourist path past halfway lochan and up the zig zags meant I could run all the way, a wee break to catch my breath and take a couple of photos at every zag. Back into the mist and a chilly breeze grew up through the field of cairns, reaching the top in about 2 hours. Short break and photo stop at the top. Took descent nice n easy, followed the tourist path stopping a couple of times, finsihed in about 3 1/2 hours, not many out today. Photos here.

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