Saturday, February 11, 2017

Carnethy 5 hill race

Freezing freezing, nearly 500 runners set off for Scad Law, first of 5 hills in this classic race. Crocodile soon formed across Charlie's loop and up the first climb, snow increasing towards the top with high winds n icy sleet blasting exposed flesh, a pattern repeated on each top. Traverse to South Black Hill fun, stiff crosss wind blowing us off course, over the first of the kips and pleasant couple of minutes sheltered from the wind. Run off the second kip more fun in the snow, managed to stay upright and gain a few places. Along to the bumslide down to the Howe, again managed to stay on my feet, and relatively dry. Jogged most of the first part of the climb up Carnethy with a flash of my number to the marshalls. Payed for my exuberance and had to walk most of the way to the gully. Running again out of the gulley towards the final wee climb to Carnethies summit. Steep run down towards the finish, a wee tumble losing grip on the heathery roots. Steady run back across the bog to finish in just over 84 minutes. A few pictures here.

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