Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Cort Ma Law Hill Race

Tough wee Bog and Burn race, steep climb to start, managed to run pretty much all of it, yo yoing positions with the jog walkers, after the first kilometre the gradient eases and although undulating up for the next 4 km the route becomes quite runnable if you can navigate the luminous emerald green bogs between Cort Ma Law and the Leckett. Managed to pick off a few runners before the Leckett then another few in the short drop to the stream crossings, jogged most of the way back to the crossover point apart from a short section cutting the corner as you come out the ditch. Running into from the broken fence the wind strong enough to blow you about as you begin to tire before picking off another 3 or so runners on the fun run down the steep slopes to finish inside 69 minutes.

Approaching the finish making sure I'm not overtaken.
Photo courtesy Barbara McLeod, Westies

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