Saturday, May 23, 2020

Ben Bowie

Another Ben Bowie run, similar route to last week with the top loop reversed, climbing Ben Bowie from the east down the path to the west across the Three Lochs Way up onto Killoeter running west along the ridge coming down at the bottom of the hill from the Black Third Farm. Ran down through the edge of the conifer trees as the ferns have started to grow over the faint path. Rain and high winds meant many of the paths were streams, a few of the bogs reappearing and in a contrast to the last few weeks, didn't see a single person while I was out, the only social distancing required was through a field where they have put 4 over friendly cows who want to jog along beside me. Good run, choosing the right direction with the steeper climbs wind assisted helped, no pictures as my camera was out of battery and no stats as the power saving app on my phone shut down my tracker.

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