Saturday, December 19, 2020

Glen Finlas Horseshoe

Slept in this morning, set off up Loch Lomond side about an hour later than planned not sure where to run, decided to try the Finlas Horseshoe and add in an out and back over Beinn Tharsuin and Choarach, two hills overlooking the Fruin reservoir.

Easy run up the road to the dam and onto the track on the north side of the reservoir, left the track at the far end of the Finlas reservoir and set off up beside a fence to the flat col between Creagan hill and Beinn Ruisg, walkers paths, sheep/deer trods and fence lines to follow from here on. Above the cloud base so not much to see.

Over Ruisg and Creag an Leinibh then the unnamed 693m top that I would return to after the out and back.

Cloud cleared on the way to Beinn Tharsuin confirming my location, not that I was lost. Quick visit to Beinn Choarach's Cairn and Trig before turning back.

Soon back at the 693m top and set off undulating down over Balcnock towards Loch Lomond.

Usually I drop down to the reservoir and down the glen road, decided to stay on the ridge and maybe get some good pictures of the islands on the loch.

Not ideal to run over, lots of gullies, ditches and bogs. Clouds are closing in again so views not great by the time I get there, ran down past the radio mast using the bouldery access track to get back to the road inside 4 hours, good morning out.

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