Saturday, August 20, 2022

The Cobbler and Narnain

Longer version today, turned out to be a fine day the weather better than forecast as rain and clouds skirted round. Ran from Ardgarten going up the Cobbler via the race route, steep once your on the hill going up to An t Sron, paths not easy to see with long grass and rushes on the way up to the ridge. Easy running from there to the base of the climb to the Cobblers summit. Another short steep pull to the top. Easy run off towards Bealach a'Mhaim and up Narnains back steps, running where I could. Chose the Spearhead descent from Narnain to the forest track back to Ardgarten.

The Cobbler from An t Sron

Ben Lomond from The Cobbler

The Cobbler from Narnain

Ime from Narnain

Lui munros from Narnain

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Ted Baker

Club hill race, the Ted Baker, running from Dalmonach road to Pappert Well and back. 7 of us set off in reverse order. Started too quick, took me until the "stile" to get my breathing sorted, up through the forest, a mixture of mud and overgrown paths, round the trig point to a fire break for the mostly down hill run back, a short climb up Hillbank St finishing down hill in Dalmonach road, a wee thunderstorm and monsoon chased us all the way back from the trig.


Saturday, August 13, 2022

Luss Lollipop

2nd go at this tough medium hill race with over 3000' of ascent in 7 miles. Familiar hills as I run here every few weeks. Lollipop shaped route with 2 climbs up Beinn Dubh, the second one a tough 1000' in less than half a mile. 10am start and cloud cover evaporated as we set off  up Beinn Dubh, run the first half then walk / run the second, running again round to Mid Hill and the steep drop into Glen Striddle, should have sat in the stream here before the climb back to the top of Beinn Dubh, good fun on the descent back to Luss.


Friday, August 05, 2022

Moray Coastal Trail

On holiday at Silver Sands, an out and back run along the Moray Coastal trail from Covesea to the Dinosaur Footprints at Hopeman. Beach for the first and last mile 5 miles of undulating clifftop trails in between. 

Dinosaur Footprints