Saturday, May 27, 2023

Glen Finlas

Set off on the bike for a run in the Luss Hills, change of plan along the way, Glen Finlas is nearer, aimed to chain the bike at the bottom of the glen, run up and do a horseshoe round the tops, then a cycle home. The bottom of the glen was too busy, filled with vans and scrambling motorbikes, cycled up to the dam and chained the bike there. Ran along a track that runs beside the reservoir, at the end turn uphill beside an old fence, faint path through grass and ferns. Come to a clear path on the top of the ridge and set off for Beinn Ruisg, the path was marked with orange flags, soon the sound of motorbikes disturbed the peace and blotted out the skylarks singing overhead, I could see bikes going up the ridge towards Balcnoc on the other side of the glen, ran on over Creag an Leinbh to the top of the glen, the bikes were coming up in small  groups then turning off towards Tharsuin, I ran down towards Balcnoc jumping off the path every few minutes to let the bikes pass. Dropped down at the end of the reservoir, the sound of the bikes fading. No phone or camera so no pictures , found out later it was the Loch Lomond Motorcycle club out for a two day trial.

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