Saturday, September 16, 2023

Crianlarich Hill Run

Couple of hills near Crianlarich for a change. Cruach Ardrain and Beinn Tulaichean, mostly out and back with a couple of minor tops both ways. Improving forecast for the day, cloudy when I left home, gradually cleared as I drove up Loch Lomond side. A mile of forest track to start, turned off for a climb up to the ridge which has the minor tops Grey Height and Meall Dahm on it. Warm on the way up to the ridge but cooled down in a Northerly breeze as I picked my way along the ridge, slow going with its twists and turns, rocks and stones. Steep climb to the col between Ardrain and Tulaichean, Went for the higher top first, Ardrain, cloud covered when I reached  it, took a couple of pictures, turned to leave and the cloud cleared, stayed to take in the views and a few more pictures. Set off for Tulaichean just over a mile away, another photo stop then back towards Ardrain to the exit path, easy run back along the undulating rocky ridge as the day warmed up, plenty of stops to take in the views and pick out future route options.

Beinn A Chroin and An Caisteal from Ardrain

Beinn Tulaichean from Ardrain

Ardrains summit cairn

Ardrain from Tulaichean

Boulder with Stob Binnien behind

Meall Dhamh and Grey Height

Wee lochan, Lui Munros behind

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