Saturday, February 22, 2025


High winds forecast for the hills, chose a low route today, a 9 mile loop round the north end of the Isle of  Lismore. Found the route on walkinghighlands website. I had walked some of it a few years ago but downloaded the gpx file from their website as I was going a few extra miles over ground I hadn't been on, Worked well, only a couple of minor route issues and the app tells you when you go off course. Got the ferry over from Port Appin to Point, ran round the coast anti clockwise to Port Ramsay then on to Castle Coeffin, from there run across the island and back up to Point via Tirefour Broch. A mixture of coastal paths, fields, farm tracks and a couple of miles on the road back to Point. A couple of eagles soaring up prompted the camera to come out the bag, too late to catch them, the scenery was good. Weather showery to start and as I forgot my jacket fashioned a makeshift wind and waterproof layer from a large plastic shopping bag. Worked well enough to keep me comfortable. Finished in about 2 1/2 hours so had a half hour wait for the next ferry back to Port Appin.


Saturday, February 15, 2025

Bromley Muir Snow run

Local hills and trails again this week, longer route planned, round Carman Reservoir then along Bromley Muir to Stoneymollan followed 3LW and then onto the John Muir Trail past Ben Bowie coming back to Ben Bowie through Banachra woods, from Ben Bowie down towards Helensburgh disturbed a Buzzard and a Heron before turning up the ridge to  Killoeter, back along the 3LW and down Stoneymollan to finish. Started in the snow, pleasant running, not much wind, snow faded after an hour or so then some blue skies and weak sunshine saw me home.

Saturday, February 08, 2025

Auchengaich Circuit

Short long hill run, the hills around Auchengaich reservoir just off Glen Fruin. Trudge across tussocks and bog to a steep climb up Auchengaich hill, started after 3pm so likely to be dark before I finish. Cold wind on the ridge up to Beinn Tharsuin glad of my triple thermal layers and windproof jacket, ground partially frozen meant dryer and warmer feet than usual, Chaorachs top, cairn and trig point separated by a rime covered fence, not a place to hang around despite the good views, ran along the undulating ridge to the steep drop back into the glen crossing over for the fenceline path up to A Mhanaich, still light and I push on down towards Maol am Fheidh and then the Strone,my eyes adjust to the fading  light, headtorch only switched on for the last couple of hundred yards and the run along the road busy with evening traffic.

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Beinn Dubh & Mid Hill

Longer hill run this week, planned route was out and back over Beinn Dubh, Mid Hill, run down to the Glen Luss road,  turn round & go back the same way. Passed a few walkers on the way up, a bit of snow from about 1500' , by the top a few inches deep made for hard work round the corries, not much visibility, everything white in the clouds and snow. Dropped down towards the Glen out the snow and cloud, stopped about half a mile early and turned back up Mid Hill. Running back round the corries was a bit easier as a few groups of walkers had flattened out the snow. Partially frozen ground and Sealskinz socks helped keep my feet a bit drier and warmer.