Saturday, February 22, 2025


High winds forecast for the hills, chose a low route today, a 9 mile loop round the north end of the Isle of  Lismore. Found the route on walkinghighlands website. I had walked some of it a few years ago but downloaded the gpx file from their website as I was going a few extra miles over ground I hadn't been on, Worked well, only a couple of minor route issues and the app tells you when you go off course. Got the ferry over from Port Appin to Point, ran round the coast anti clockwise to Port Ramsay then on to Castle Coeffin, from there run across the island and back up to Point via Tirefour Broch. A mixture of coastal paths, fields, farm tracks and a couple of miles on the road back to Point. A couple of eagles soaring up prompted the camera to come out the bag, too late to catch them, the scenery was good. Weather showery to start and as I forgot my jacket fashioned a makeshift wind and waterproof layer from a large plastic shopping bag. Worked well enough to keep me comfortable. Finished in about 2 1/2 hours so had a half hour wait for the next ferry back to Port Appin.


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