Monday, October 23, 2006

Arrochar Sun 22nd Oct

Went with the crowd this week for what was planned as a 15 mile run on forrest trails from Succoth to Glen Croe, up the old Rest & B Thankful road and return on forrest tracks via Ardgarten. High cloud gave way to blue skies and sunshine as we drove up Loch Lomondside.

Set off about 8:45 through Succoth before doubling back towards Glen Croe. As the trail climbed up good views down Loch Long and with low cloud on the Loch, a cloud inversion for the second week running.

Once at Glen Croe the old eccentricities played up and the route changed. Instead of the planned route we turned back down the road to Ardgarten for a run round the Cats Crag Loop.

The low angle of the sun meant it was mostly cool in the shadow of the trees as we wound our way back above the low clouds for more good views of the Loch and surrounding hills. The breaks in the trees at the various viewpoints let a welcome warm sun in from time to time.

To make up for the shorter route looped round to the back of the group a few times for some extra hills and distance, so all in still ran the 15 miles.

Back at Ardgarten we took the "new" path opposite the car park which winds its way up, down, along and back up again, eventually joining the same forrest track used on the way out. Finished in just under 3 1/2 hours with a quick run down the lower section of the new hill access path for the Cobbler.

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