Sunday, October 29, 2006

Balloch Park Sun 29th Oct

Late afternoon run today, clocks change, leaves galore as darkness descends.

Set off just after 4 and ran via Burnbrae and paths, the aim was to keep away from roads as much as possible, so on to the cycle path and up towards Balloch. Then its round Balloch Park taking the new trail at the top of Heart Attack hill up and over Whinney Hill to the viewpoint, getting darker all the way, ok except can't see the tree roots (bad) or muddy bits (good).

Struggling to see the path on the way back and take the Botourich road to the North Gate of Balloch Park instead of the trail. Run back through the Park over the new bridge in Balloch, through Balloch Station to the Argyle Park and then along to Christie Park and back home, about 11 miles in 1 hour 54.

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