Monday, April 23, 2007

Arrochar Alps Sun 22nd April

Low cloud kept me in Arrochar again this week but felt rather flat and gave up on the planned run on the way up Ben Vorlich, so much for Vorlich, Vane & Ime.

Pleasant run up Glen Loin past Corriegrogan (couple of mins slower than usual) and on up towards the Sloy Dam. Plod up Ben V into the clouds. When you ask why every 50 yards its time to rethink the days route. Followed the usual path up but realised I had passed the top in the clouds when the path ran out. Turned East & uphill and soon came to the trig point. Cold, wet and windy at the top so straight back down.

Difficult top to come off in poor visibility, as you leave its easy to follow a path and head off down the east flank but as you come off the small top with the trig point go west and another path soon comes into view.

The run down is challenging enough to pick up the pace and turned out quite enjoyable even going right through the boggy bits near the road. Jogged back down through Glen Loin passed a few runners and cyclists but thankful the run was cut short.

Surprise on Monday, woke up to DOMS, a bit shivery as well so maybe cutting the run short on Sunday was more than just couldn't be bothered.

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