Saturday, July 02, 2011

Luss Highland Games

Summer arrives for today's games, had a go at four races, the local 90 m, last, and in trying to sprint realised how stiff I am, 20 minutes later the local 200 m led until about 20 metres from the end, victory snatched from my grasp, 5th I think. The local Hill race about half an hour later takes you half way up the small hill behind the games field then back, 4th out of 6 in 19:53, the Open Hill Race a couple of hours later goes to the top of the same hill and back, 7th out of 9 in 33:56. For both hill races you enjoy a lap of the games field at the start and the finish, and a good reception from the crowd. Other highlights of the day, two cake stalls and the beer tent. Missed the kilted dash as I had no tartan although one guy ran in a teddy bear rug?

1 comment:

Davie said...

As our former 1st Meenister showed, a Kilt is a skirt. It doesn't need to be tartan!