Thursday, May 10, 2012

Midweek Races

Ran the Club 10k race on Tuesday and felt as if I was running on someone else's wibbly wobbly legs, the race started and finished at Balloch Castle and followed the old Polaroid 10k route. Within a couple of hundred yards I new it wasn't going to be fast. I settled into a steady pace and watched the rest of my start group go off into the distance. It was Luss Road before I caught and passed anyone else. Felt good on the short downhill stretch into Lomond Shores then slowed down again on the flat run through the complex. Eased up the hill into the Park to finish just over 54 mins.

Last night was Dumyat hill race, 5 miles and 1200', I wasn't looking forward to it after Tuesday's struggle. Arrived just in time to register for the 7 pm start, big field again, turned out to be about 380 runners. No time or desire to warm up before we were off and running. Road and farm track to start, gently climbing, felt ok, legs much better off than last night, I felt I could run again. The track soon undulates up through the forest with a few bottlenecks where everyone queued and I could gasp a few extra breaths. Onto the open hill and ran where I could, the leaders start to come back down sooner than I hoped. Avoid the worst of the bog then a last push for the top. Start the run down freewheeling until I gain some sort of breathing control pushing hard on the downs but unable to keep it going on the short flats in between. Reach the bottom for the run back along the track to the Uni, slight uphill at first and loose a few places, able to relax for the closing few hundred yards as they are downhill, accelerate through the finish in 53:24.

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