Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Cort Ma Law

My planned run to the top of the first climb changed to "walk all the way" within a few seconds of the start, ok it was a quick walk and I was far from last. Up onto the top and familiar undulating run over 4 minor tops on the way to CML summit. Slowly caught and passed the three runners just ahead. After CML the marshy run to Lecket Hill, dry this year with only the odd knee deep plunge. Tried to keep a steady pace without too much oxygen debt and got past another two. From the Lecket a progressively steeper run down into the gulley helped me pass two more tentative runners, crossed the two streams at the bottom and into good effort for a fast as possible walk mode up out the gulley, soon running again although slowly when I was caught by the last big bog as I tried to jump across, dragged myself out and set off again, thoughts of catching any more runners ahead changed to keep ahead of those behind, sneaked a glance on the last downhill and had enough of a gap to cruise down to finish in just over 71 minutes. Quick change in the car park as the midgies feasted before the drive home.

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