Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Cort Ma Law

Drizzly low cloud greeted us, full kit and full kit check for all and body count before the start. The field spread out, mostly ahead on the run walk up the steep slope from Campsie Glen. Steady running past a few minor tops and a few minor bogs on the way to CML. Fun started on the way to Lecket Hill, bog city, good ones where I stepped on mostly tussocks, some I didn't and further along resorting to jump, dive, grab the far side and pull myself up while trying to overtake and not be overtaken, all too soon we started the short climb to the top of Lecket followed by a boggy run into the gulley. Felt fine on the slow trudge back to the crossover ran where I could avoiding too much of a plunge into the last big bog. Undulating run back and down the steep grassy bank to finish in about 74 minutes.

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