Saturday, June 21, 2014

Vorlich, Vane and Douglas too

With Ben Vorlich separated from the other Arrochar Alps by Loch Sloy its not one I visit too often, last time was the Arrochar Alps race in 2011. Run up through Glen Loin past Coiregrogain to the wee path that twists and turns up to Vorlich's summit ridge. Pass a few walkers on the way up, on into the mist so no views from the top today. Visit both tops the real top with the cairn and the lower one with trig point. A wee break for a re-fuel then off down the steep drop straight down to Sloy Dam. Across the dam and up to the right of the buttress, the opposite to the race route. Steady trudge up, probably one lump too far to the right and reach the ridge further down and away from the top than planned. Easier climb to the top along the ridge, this time clouds just over the tops and good views to Loch and Ben Lomond. Fun run down the tourist path past a few walkers we had met earlier on. All too soon back on the Glen Loin trail to Succoth, 15 miles, 6700' of ascent in 5 hours 50. Sunday, no plans to run but too good a day to miss and set off for Glen Douglas's hills, Beinn Bhreac, Ben Reoch and Tullich Hill, a nice wee round, 6 miles and 3300' a bit cleggy until into the breeze above the tree line, after the first climb a good undulating run round, ran lochside of the lumps between Bhreac and Reoch, pathless but an easy run, walk to a welcome breeze on the top. A few pictures and off down the steep drop towards Tullich Hill. On the way up a couple of deer amble across a hundred feet or so above. Onto the summit plateau via the usual gulley past the two lochans, more photos and views. Easy run down to Invergroin, 2 hours 45. Saturday pictures here, Sunday pictures here.

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