Saturday, October 17, 2015

BOO, Beinn an Dothaidh, Beinn Achaladair

Drove up to Bridge of Orchy, planned to run out and back over Beinn an Dothaidh, Beinn Achaladair and Beinn A'Chreachain, or as far as I could. Thick fog dissolved as I drove up Loch Lomondside.Clear, windless day as I started up the hill to the col between Dothaidh and Dorain, frosty in the shade.

View looking east from col between Beinn an Dothaidh and Dorain

 Found a good route through the bogs under Dothaidh's triple summit, ran over the NE one and down a steep grassy ridge onto the long undulating ridge to Achaladair's summit, three ups later I was there.

Ridge to Achaladair, Chreachain centre back.

Stunning views to the hills beyond Rannoch moor. Decided that was enough, Beinn a'Chreachain, next along the ridge too far for today. Easier run back along the ridge.

The climb back up to an Dothaidh's summit would be slow.

Ran round the summit plateau taking in the views from each of the summits. Bypassed most of the bog to the col, from there a rocky boggy run, tough on tired legs, shoes visited one bog too many, sole coming apart added to the fun.

 View looking west from col between Beinn an Dothaidh and Dorain

Finished in 5 hours, stunning day and views, plenty of pictures here.

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