Saturday, April 04, 2020

Stoneymollan and Ben Bowie

Another run on the moors and trails from my front door. Picked a route to try and get some ascent in without doubling back too much. Managed just over 2100' with only a mile or so run twice. Started up the road and along a quiet A82 verge through fields to the trail up behind Carman reservoir. Past the quarry and trig point to join the 3LW for a short distance, leaving the 3LW running past Shepherds Pool and the Black Third farm joining the red blaize track the Hel n Back runners take, joined the 3LW again and ran up to the top with a short diversion up Ben Bowie, rejoined the 3LW/John Muir Way to the top of the Stoneymollan trail, returning home along the tops past the trig to the Fort, mainly on paths and through fields, finishing with a short bit of road.

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