Saturday, April 11, 2020

Three Stoneymollans

Avoiding popular paths as much as possible went for a triple hirple today. Ran along the bypass and through fields to the path up behind Carman reservoir, no fishermen today, a few people sitting on the benches round the reservoir taking in the air. Crossed the road and went up the track beside the quarry onto the path along to the trig point, the Ben with its head in the clouds.

Ran along to the Stoney trail and down the road to the bypass, the top of the Ben still in cloud.

Turned at the bottom and came back up using the trail through the woods as far as possible. Back on the tarmac for a couple of hundred yards. Steady run up until I saw a couple of mountain bikers ahead, caught them without too much effort, turned up towards the trig form the top of the Stoney path. Top of the Ben clear at last.

Ran along to the Fort, down through the Quarry, round the reservoir and down to the steps behind the bypass. About turn and back up to the reservoir, cut through a field on the way to distance from a couple of walkers. Through the quarry up to the fort then down past the radiomast through a couple of fields and a short section of road to finish. Glorious day to be out.

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