Sunday, May 12, 2024

Auchengaich Horseshoe run

Sunday afternoon run over the hills that surround Auchengaich reservoir off Glen Fruin. There's a few car spaces at the bottom of the access road to the dam. It's warm with a threat of thunder, these hills provide easy escape routes should it turn nasty, set off through the gate and straight up Auchengaich hills steep flanks, tussocky run then trudge as the gradient increases. From the top its an enjoyable run with a cooling breeze, there's a quad bike track, paths and fence lines to follow in poor weather, over Tharsuin and Chaorach and back down into a warm and windless glen. The climb to A Mahanaich follows another fence shielding a deep gully, mostly walking up here. From the top gentle grassy slopes lead down over Maol am Fheidh and The Strone.

Tharsuin to Chaorach

Chaorachs cairn and trig

A Mhainachs cairn looking over the reservoir to Ardmore point 


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