Saturday, May 04, 2024

Stuc a Chroin 5000

This was my 17th go at the Stuc, and my first long hill race for a couple of years. 200+ started with a few drop outs along the way. The first couple of miles undulate up on forest roads and grassy tracks to reach open hillside, across the moor beside Meall Mor before a steep drop into Glen Ample, not so easy on the way back, steep climb up Beinn Each, 1500' in under a mile, heather and a rusty old fence helping on the steeper parts. from Each to the Stuc its about 2 miles along a rough undulating ridge, dropping 500' and climbing 1000' a mixture of running, walking and scrambling gets you there, from the cross over at Bealach nan Cabar you have to avoid the runners in front on their way back as you grind up to the Stucs summit. No time to take in the views running back along the rocky ridge, there's a few ups and downs  but most of the climbing is done for the day, apart from Glen Ample. From the cross over drop down steep pathless grassy slopes to a stream crossing where a faint ankle trashing path takes you back along the glen to the start of the climb out, a slow jog at first then everyone slows to a painful trudge as the 600' in half a mile climb sucks the energy from your legs. From the exit from Glen Ample its a 3 1/2 mile run to the finish, across the moor then grass track and forest road, mostly down hill with just enough rough ground to keep you working hard all the way to the finish, 167th out of 196 finishers.


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