Saturday, August 31, 2024

Ben Lomond

First time up the Ben for a couple of years, beautiful day made for a busy hill, parked in the overflow carpark taking the new race route on a track that leaves the back of the car park, slightly longer but avoids the first part of the refurbished path and steps. Out the trees onto the open hillside, good views over Loch Lomond although hazy meant a lack of definition in the surrounding hills. Left the path from the 2nd gate to the plateau, should've gone farther over to pick up the race route trod, line I picked was a bit tussocky. Steady jog up the plateau, walked up the zig zags to the summit ridge and ran along to the top. Short stop at the top for a couple of pictures. On the way down I stayed off the walkers path as much as possible, avoiding the hill walkers and the worst of the rocky steps. 

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