Saturday, August 17, 2024

Beinn Donn, Appin Show Hill Race

Back at the Appin Show, dry on the day but a wet week meant a muddy course. About 18 of us set off from the middle of the show field, started near the back, passed a couple as we started to climb through fields at the bottom of the hill, onto the open hillside a muddy rutted track winds up the hill onto the ridge, leave the track through tussocks for a short steep climb to the flagged turning point. Picked up a bit of pace on the way down, a bit wary of the ruts and holes, managed to catch a couple of other runners on the way back with a face plant between overtakes, thankfully soft mud and no rocks. Finished in about 11th or 12th place about 30 seconds slower than last year, short sharp race, good fun.

Beinn Donn from the Show Field

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