Saturday, August 24, 2024

Arrochar run

The Cobbler and Narnain today, using the argo track to avoid the zig zags, forecast about right, showers gradually easing, first couple of hours it was a shower every 10 or 15 minutes, by the time I finished the sun came out for the drive home. Argo track to start, walked most of the ups, then jogged along to meet the tourist path at the top of the zig zags. Not many out today. Ran up the trail to the back of the Cobbler walked up the steps then jogged and walked to the top. Didn't hang about straight back down to the Bealach and another brisk trudge to the top of Narnain, climbing done for the day, easy run down to the Bealach and past the Narnain Boulders, the Buttermilk Burn frothing away in full spate. Finished down the argo track, a pleasant grassy alternative to the stoney walkers path.

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